Chinese New Year
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Daddy checking in here :) Indeed, 黄金路's final episode was a disappointment. There was no logic and coherence (at least in terms of giving hope and gratification of justice to viewers), unlike many Hong Kong dramas, which are intelligent and have all angles covered. Good creativity, bad innovation. The show was promising.
CNY is one of those festivals I enjoy the most. It is a time when you could get together with your extended family, be it my side of the family, or Jac's side of the family, and beyond. I always feel that my nephews and nieces, and the children in our families, grew up too quickly! I hope and am confident that they would grow up to be fine men and women who would help me impart all the good values, intellect and acumen, and strength, to my beloved Shaun (aka 林恩辉). See you all at the gatherings :)
Jacqueline on 8:44 PM