Shaun is loving his new toy - walker. The first day he was walking backwards and by the next, he was able to take a step forward. We're keeping a close eye on him in case he pulls something from the table or stuffs things into his mouth.
On a side note, have heard that walkers aren't beneficial in helping a baby learn to walk. On the contrary, it is dangerous. Taken from KKH's website:
Danger 1: Baby walkers cause babies to walk later
Baby walkers don't help babies walk earlier. In fact, walkers may even delay your baby's movement skill development or discourage him from learning to walk on his own.
Most walkers are designed such that babies are not able to see their feet while walking. This can slow down development of movement as they are unable to make mental connection that it is their legs and feet that are moving the walker.
Walkers make it too easy for babies to move around. Babies who are in walkers tend to explore and satisfy their curiosity without developing their balance or walking skills. This may lead to slower development of balance and walking skills. Studies have shown that babies who spent 2 hours each day in the walker were more delayed in walking than babies who did not use a walker.
Danger 2: Baby walkers cause abnormal walking pattern
The baby's legs are not straight when "walking" in the walker. The hips and knees are bent and he will tend to walk on tiptoe. This causes him to use and develop the wrong leg muscles for walking. Such abnormal walking pattern may be difficult to correct even when he is out of the walker.
Studies have shown that walking pattern of babies worsen with the use of walkers especially if they are already walking in an abnormal way.
Danger 3: Baby walkers can cause serious injuries
Walkers are unsafe. Babies can reach a speed of 1 meter per second in a walker, which is too fast even for an attentive parent to catch should the child speed towards an open door, down the stairs or towards a boiling pot.