Shaun turns 2 months
Monday, February 04, 2008
How time flies! Shaun is 2 months old now (this means 1 more month before going back to work :( ). He is growing well - eyebrows & eyelashes have grown, neck getting stiffer & limbs very active. Check out the video of him lifting his head up while lying on his tummy.
Had an early CNY reunion dinner with deary's family yesterday and everyone was so happy to see Shaun. We 'deposited' Shaun at Ah-ma's house at 1pm and headed to TM and CS for some shopping.
Daddy bought some books for Shaun

Daddy bathing Shaun

Shaun in his new cot

Kids:"It's playtime!"

大姑 carrying Shaun

Shaun's milk-time

Jacqueline on 1:35 PM