Sunday Dim Sum Buffet
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Met up with my secondary school friends on Sunday for dim sum buffet at Zhou's Kitchen at Novena Square 2. It was a gathering cum bday celebration for me. Had an enjoyable time and thanks gals for the pressies!

Present & card from my dear colleagues..So nice of them to have gotten something practical for me..Will start loading my current stuff into the case slowly..Thanks a lot gals! =)
1st layer of wrapper...

2nd layer of wrapper...

3rd layer of wrapper...

tada! finally! :)

Jacqueline on 10:43 PM
Turning 26...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Turned 26 yesterday. My, how time flies. It seemed like months ago when I celebrated my 25th birthday with Shaun in my tummy at Crystal Jade with deary.
This year's birthday was special of course, with the addition of Shaun. Had dinner with my family at Sushi Teh@Playground BigSplash. Ambience and food were good! Went for a short walk along the beach after dinner. Enjoyed the evening very much. Thanks to deary, mum, jo, cai & jas! Love you all. Oh yes, and my little Shaun too. Muacks..
Me & Shaun

Shaun: 'Yeahh..it's mummy's bday!' =)

Mum & Jas

Deary enjoying his beef rice!

Jolene & Me

Cai, Jo & Shaun

Cutting my cake (from prima deli.. =P)!

My dearest, beloved family.. (Shaun was sleeping)

Jacqueline on 12:51 AM
Street directory alternative
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Last week realised that Street directory site was down and found out that it was being sued by SLA for copyright infringement (see report below).
Virtual Map shuts down street directory site after losing suit
By Chua Hian Hou
POPULAR online map StreetDirectory.com has shut down, after the company behind it, Virtual Map, lost its appeal against the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) over copyright infringement last week.
The SLA, which originally issued Virtual Map a licence for its maps of Singapore, sued the company in January 2007 for continuing to use the SLA maps even after the licence had expired.
Virtual Map lost it case in the District Court, and was ordered to stop using the infringing materials. It appealed to the High Court, but lost again.
The site was taken down two days ago, said Virtual Map's managing director Firdhaus Akbar, but the company is currently working with a set of replacement, non-infringing maps, and hopes to bring the site back online in 'about two days'.
The are based on its own surveys, he said.
The company also intends to appeal to the highest court, the Court of Appeal, to reverse the decision, he said.
An audibly bitter Mr Ackbar, who was interviewed over the phone, said the privately-held company is calling a shareholders meeting either on Friday or Saturday to assess its position.
The meeting will decide whether to continue to provide what he claimed were 'the best maps in Singapore', or quit the business here and 'focus our efforts elsewhere'.
Virtual Map also offers online maps in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia.
Mr Ackbar said his company has spent 'millions' putting in value-added data like points-of-interest, on top of the maps SLA had provided.
Alternative online maps are available at sites like the SLA's StreetMap and Show Nearby.
Today, managed to get into the site and did a search but the result returned a blank image. Currently have switched to using Google Maps and found it relatively similar to StreetDirectory.com. Personally, it is just a matter of getting accustomed to it.
Jacqueline on 10:59 PM
Random pics of Shaun
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Reminiscing Shaun's former hairstyle...
Shaun's night out to Parkway Parade

Shaun and mummy

Daddy reading to Shaun

Shaun: 'Huh? What are you doing?'

Shaun sucking his thumb

Smiling Shaun

Jacqueline on 10:35 PM
Shaun's haircut
Monday, April 14, 2008
Shaun had his haircut today. According to my mother-in-law, he was obedient initially, but was unhappy when the hairdresser starting to trim his sideburn. Haha.. Shaun must have loved his sideburn!

Jacqueline on 10:42 PM
The FOOD adventure begins..
Sunday, April 13, 2008
We're beginning to introduce more solid foods to Shaun's diet, despite the nurse's advice that he's overweight at 7.5kg (at his age, he should be weighing 7kg). He's eating brown rice puree once a day. Seems like he's loving his new food. =)

Jacqueline on 3:38 PM
My little darling
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Shaun is now able to grasp things - especially my fingers during his milk time. His neck is also stronger. He'll be going for his jab on the 9th and getting his hair cut on the 14th. I wonder how he'll look like with short hair. =P

Jacqueline on 7:25 PM