Inner core of values
Friday, June 24, 2011

'A tested inner core of values helps us to set our priorities and to live with the consequences of our actions. My business life has caused me to respect and trust counterparts who may be Japanese practising Shinto or Confucianism, Kuwaitis practising Islam, or cultural or religious Jews.

I believe personally that God is intermediated through Jesus Christ, who took human form, but I believe in a generous God who created this world for everyone and who would not deny anyone who is open in whatever way to receiving God's love. Some would say I am no longer an authentic Christian. I would respond, let it be so. I know of no other way to think of these matters in a world that has become truly global and in which our very survival may depend on seeing all humans as our brothers and sisters.' (McCoy, 2007, p. 201)

McCoy, B. H. (2007). Living into leadership: A journey in ethics. Stanford Business Books.

Jacqueline on 9:56 PM