Orchard Road X'mas Light-up
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Missed out on last year's X'mas celebration as I was still having my confinement after giving birth to Shaun. This year's X'mas was great. My family was over at our house having a mini-celebration yesterday and we played Taboo till 1am+.
Last Friday, we were at Orchard Road with my sis-in-law's family to view the X'mas light-up.

Jacqueline on 9:09 PM
X'mas at Vivo
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Last Sunday, we brought Shaun to a funfair at a temple in Hougang in the morning. At night, we went to Vivo to soak in some X'mas atmosphere. Love the beautiful X'mas tree! We had Ben & Jerry's ice cream before heading home at 11pm. Poor Shaun was so tired that he fell asleep in the car.
Jacqueline on 11:42 PM
Shaun's 1 year old birthday
Monday, December 08, 2008
Shaun turns 1 on 4 Dec. But we had his birthday celebration on 22 Nov which is his actual chinese birth date.

Jacqueline on 11:18 PM
HK Day 5
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Last day in HK. Took the 11.05am flight out on 18 Nov. In the morning, we went up to The Peak via tram and visited the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Afternoon was spent shopping at a neighbourhood area recommended by my colleague.
Jacqueline on 10:00 PM
HK Day 4
Monday, December 01, 2008
Had dim sum in the morning and went back to our budget hotel to check out. We then checked into Novotel Hotel. The rest of the day was spent shopping.
Love the lobby area..

Our room..

Checking out the bathroom..

The A21 bus to airport..

The shopping mall with great buys..

Jacqueline on 11:44 PM