Sunday, January 30, 2011
Shaun and I were at a CNY bazaar, when he mentioned the words on display: 财神到。 When home, he read these words off an NTUC leaflet: 招财进宝。 When did we teach him those? Some angels or bodhisattvas must have taught him.
I have a word '孝'on my wall, and I taught him once or twice. This morning, I asked him what word it was. After some time of silence and reflection (on his part), and gentleness and patience (on my part), he said: '孝'。
Jacqueline on 6:27 PM
What joy!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I was in my office just now when there was a knock on my door. A few of my students came in and presented me with a small t-shirt from their class with many little cards of messages pinned onto it. I was overjoyed when I read those messages! 'You are by far the best teacher on campus...', 'the best teacher I've met in Singapore...', 'You rock...', 'You never demoralize us...', and many others.
I was very surprised because I was worried they were not comfortable with my strictness at times. I thought my efforts have been in vain, because they sometimes looked like they weren't listening! They were. Looking at the messages they've penned, they were listening, and feeling, quietly, but surely.
Jacqueline on 7:13 PM
Haven't blogged for some time..
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Some attention have been taken away by facebook; social media has its way of 'killing' (literally) time and energy (and relationships) (if you are not careful). Here's an exchange I had with Mrs some time back; more as a gentle reminder/affirmation to/of myself/ourselves.
Mr.: "Thanks for being a wonderful wife. I'm blessed to marry you. I love you.."
Mrs: "Thanks for the compliment. You are also a loving, responsible, and understanding hb and dad. Love you lots too.. :-)"
Jacqueline on 1:43 PM