Vesak Day
Friday, May 20, 2011
Have been wanting to perform the ‘san bu yi bai’ (“three steps, one ‘bow’” [kneeling/prostration]) with my mum since last year. We finally did it at the last Vesak Day (altho my mum has performed it several times). I took about 2hrs to complete it, while my 70 year old mum was faster than me by 10mins :-) Well, this was because I took small sincere steps, unlike some who practically jumped from step to step (to be fair, it wasn’t easy!). My mum was quick, as usual. Have you watched ‘The Unstoppable’? :-) She also did the full routine, unlike some older folks who were younger than her, but unable, due to old age.
It was a very meaningful exercise, altho it was about 6am when I finally slept, after starting early in the previous day, and working for the whole day. This goes to show that when the motivation is right, energy will be at your disposal. I am not able to explain it in scientific and medical terms, but I’m sure this ritual has its scientific and medical benefits, being in touch with sincerity, focus, repentance, and deep humility. I felt healthier after the event. I also reflected on how I could do things even better along the way. Looking forward to this again with my mum next year.
Jacqueline on 12:33 PM